Cadets & Otters 2014

It was great to see so many of you at the Cadet and Otter AGM last Sunday 14 December.  After a warm welcome by the Gunfleet’s new Cadet Officer Simon Clarke it was the turn of Cadet Commodore Rob Gutteridge who presented a specially engraved glass tankard, plus a few sweets, to retiring Cadet Officer Chris Williams.
On Sunday 14 December we’ve got our Cadet and Otter Annual General Meeting, starting at 3:00 p.m.  Rob - our Commodore, Conor – our Vice-Commodore, and Daisy – our Rear-Commodore are going to take us through what happened in 2014 down the Gunfleet and then we will be voting for our 2015 Cadet Committee.  Remember there will be the following positions up for grabs, to take office in the new year:
  • Commodore
  • Vice Commodore
  • Rear Commodore
Monday – Funday!!!  Hey, let’s rename that Monday Wetday...Roughday or even Blowin’oldbootsday.  I know it’s going to be a wet one before we even get on the water ‘cause it’s raining and I’m getting drenched.  Never mind, let’s get the boats rigged, get changed as things could get worse; well we did get the boats rigged, and got changed, and things did get worse...told you so.  Into the Clubhouse for a briefing, hello Chris mate, what are we up to then?
Crikey – within a flash all 40 Cadet Week places have been taken – well it took 8 days from the booking form going out to the “House Full” signs going up.  Gunfleet Cadet Week 2014 looks like it is going to be brill – with some class racing, a cruise or two, and lots of games; plus....some smashing food lunchtime and all those cakes at tea time. won't be long before it will be time for the 2014 Gunfleet Cadet Week.  Watch-out for all the details in the Summer edition of the Gunfleet Gazette, and there will be loads of info in the next edition of the "Splash".

Just make sure you are around for Monday 25 August to Saturday 30 August - the Cadet Week Party.  You know how good last year's was....well prepare yourself for a real BLAST!


Gunfleet Cadets did us proud at Clacton Sailing Club's Regatta on Sunday 6 July.  The young members took a Laser, Hobie 405, two Topazes and two Toppers up to Holland Haven to join in the fun....and came back with the Trophies.  

Gunfleet’s very own Cadet Rear Commodore Daisy Swinbourne has been crowned winner of the RYA Suzuki Dinghy Show Start Sailing Competition 2014 and scoops-up the winner takes all, mega prize package.
After entering the free prize draw at the RYA Suzuki Dinghy Show back in March Daisy was picked from amongst some 1,500 entries as the grand prize winner. 

This Saturday's SOS is a Training Session and we will be having our Sailing Secretary Paul Davis teaching you to get the best from your boat with the effect of the tides.  How to get the tide to help you when its going your way, and how to minimise the negative impact of the tide when you are fighting it.

Saturday 24th May sees the start of SOSSailing On Saturday for all us Cadets and Otters and this first session is one you just CANNOT MISS.  Yup – it’s our first Sail/Race Training and there is going to be some real awesome help from the experienced Club members.

Last Saturday 8 March Gunfleet’s Cadets and Otters got together down the Clubhouse to have an afternoon of awesome fun ‘n’ games.  Four Teams competed in a variety of games starting with getting your boat across the line, pulling it along by rolling up a ball of string on a rod.  There then followed picking up a cardboard box off the floor with your mouth whilst not using your hand to help or balance you.  In each round the box got shorter until, in the end, it was just the bas

R U 1 4 FUN?  O I C U R, O & U 2....S O S IS 4 U!
Yup there’s some mega-fun to be had this Saturday 8 March when we have an awesome Cadet & Otter Games Afternoon – A bit nautical...a bit not...a lot of fun.  It all kicks-off at 3:00 p.m. and goes through until 5:00 p.m.

Last Saturday afternoon 8 February the Clubhouse was buzzing when 23 Cadets and Otters met-up down the Gunfleet for their first social of 2014.  The event started with a reminder of the 2013 Cadet Week as some great action shots were projected onto the big screen.  The sparkling water, sunshine and ideal sailing breeze displayed contrasted with the weather outside the Clubhouse that afternoon - winds gusting up to Force 11 and grey murky seas crashing wildly onto the foreshore.

Forget the strong winds and winter blues - come on all Cadets and Otters and get on down to your Club this Saturday 8 February for a Grrrrreat Social.  We're going to remind ourselves of the fantastic time we had sailing in 2013 at the Cadet Week - if you were there you will see yourself on the big screen!  Lots of other fun entertainment, a chance to catch-up with mates, and there are some free sausage rolls flying around.  Oh yes, bring some popcorn to eat'n'share.