SOS - Hits Us Full-On....Saturday 24 May

SOS - Hits Us Full-On....Saturday 24 May

Saturday 24th May sees the start of SOSSailing On Saturday for all us Cadets and Otters and this first session is one you just CANNOT MISS.  Yup – it’s our first Sail/Race Training and there is going to be some real awesome help from the experienced Club members.  Paul, Ken and Simon are going to be concentrating on the six 405’s giving them all one-2-one tuition, and the Lasers, Topazes and Toppers will have Andy, Toppo and Peter giving them some fantastically focused advice and guidance.  And at the end of the session there will be Hot Dogs and Burgers on sale - kinda-cool!
Oh yes it all starts at 3:00 p.m. and don’t...don’t...don’t be late.