SOS On Saturday 14 June

SOS On Saturday 14 June

This Saturday's SOS is a Training Session and we will be having our Sailing Secretary Paul Davis teaching you to get the best from your boat with the effect of the tides.  How to get the tide to help you when its going your way, and how to minimise the negative impact of the tide when you are fighting it.  It has been noticeable that the Cadets and Otters are getting stronger sailors all the time and you only have to look at the race results to see how you are starting to dominate the higher positions.  This training will be invaluable and will include a bit of theory in the Clubhouse and plenty of practice on the water, followed by feedback.


There will also be a separate session for those learning the basics of sailing and, once again, it will be a little bit of theory and lots of practice.


There will be no burgers or hot dogs at the end of this Saturday's session as it runs straight into the Crabbing Contest (with lots of prizes), which I hope you will all want to take part in.  There will be sausages and mash available after crabbing has ended so make sure you, your mum, or your dad, have booked the food by letting the Commodore know (the food is to order).