Cadets & Otters 2021

Gunfleet's Cadets and Otters had another great day down the Club this Saturday 12 June.  Lots of sailing, a few games, on, in, and off the water, and a load of fun and laughter.  It all started at 11:00 a.m. and was due to finish at 1:30 p.m., but ended up running until almost 5:00 p.m.  Some interesting jellyfish around with one Otter deciding to take a few home as pets!!

Just so good to see everyone enjoying themselves in the sunshine.

The weather was set fair for the first Cadet & Otter Coaching Session at Gunfleet today (5 June 2021).  Plenty of really good surprises, starting with Via having her first go on a Laser Radial, and loving every minute of it.  Francesca took her Topaz "Tick Tack" out; the very boat which had, in the past, seen Laser Olympic Gold Medalist Paul Goodison and 470 Olympic Gold Medalist Saskia Clark both sail at Mersea, and Sidney took out her super Taz.  The Club's trai