Cadets & Otters 2013
Sailing On Saturday (SOS) is launched this Saturday 25 May for all Cadets and Otters, starting at 3:00 p.m., and the programme for the next 3 months goes like this:
Cadet Officer Chris Williams welcomed twenty of the Gunfleet’s Cadets at the Clubhouse last Saturday 16 February when they came down to pick-up some tips on making their boats go faster. Vice Commodore Dave Fowell explained some of the key points to improving performance on the water and then demonstrated setting-up the rig and sail on a Phantom. There then followed a illustrated presentation on “pimping your dinghy” before some film was shown of extreme sailing, which included some rather spectacular capsizes.
So, what’s the name of your boat? Well let the Cadet Steering Group know and they will determine the best one...and the prize is to have the name put on your boat in any style you fancy. And if you haven’t got a name for your boat well then start thinking of one. It can be named after your pet, it can be a really funny name, maybe a play on your name, or perhaps a play on the name of the class of dinghy....or it could be just a real crazy name. Thinking about it, the name could be all of these things!!
It’s all happening down the Gunfleet on Saturday 16 February at 2:00 p.m. when we hold the second Cadet and Otter Social (well the first actually as we had to cancel January’s due to the snow).