Cadet 2018 SOS Off To A Flyer

Cadet 2018 SOS Off To A Flyer

Gunfleet Sailing Club burst into life last Saturday afternoon when more than 20 Cadets and Otters held the first in their Socials On Saturday for 2018.  The theme was Games ‘n’ Grub and the Club’s younger members exceeded at both.  Whether it was Battleships, Connect 4, Olympic Yachting or even Scrabble, everyone settled down to play board games or table challenges; the cosy Clubhouse providing a perfect venue as the rain fell outside, and the sea was rough and grey.

Cadet Officer Claire Aylen, and her many adult helpers, prepared the food and soon everyone was munching away on Pizza and Garlic Bread, followed by Magnum Ice Creams.  Cadet Commodore Harry Swinbourne said “It was great to see so many of our Cadets and Otters taking part at a time of the year  when we are normally stuck at home.  I would like to thank Claire and her team for organising the event and serving-up such tasty food”.

All too soon it was time to pack-up and shut the Club, the three hours having simply raced by.