Lauren Is Elected Gunfleet's New Cadet Commodore
Lauren Is Elected Gunfleet's New Cadet Commodore
Gunfleet Sailing Club’s young members came to the fore when they held their Annual General Meeting in the Clubhouse. Cadet Officer Claire Aylen welcomed the Club’s Cadets and Otters and handed over to retiring Cadet Commodore Harry Swinbourne who reviewed the last year. Highlights of a full programme of activities, both on and off the water, included the Sailing On Saturday, with its highly successful sail training programme, and culminating in an exciting Cadet Class Points Series. There had been the Gunfleet Splash for all young Topper, Topaz, and 405 sailors which provided some lively and nail-biting racing, and a fun-filled Cadet Day as part of the Gunfleet Regatta Weekend.
The jewel in the crown had been the Gunfleet Cadet Week which saw some of the finest sailing since the founding of this event; coupled with a wide variety of team games, both on and off the water. The icing on the cake had been the fine weather which allowed so much time on the water. The Week’s celebration, the Cadet Week Party, had proved so popular that many of the parents had almost relived their younger days when they got on the dance floor.
This hadn’t been the only social, and the ten-pin bowling had proved a hit earlier in the year, as had the games evening, the rounders match, and the Tea By the Sea event which had raised money towards the Cadets’ new race-rigged Topper dinghies. The Club now boasted three very-well equipped Topper dinghies which had inspired many Cadets to buy their own craft.
The Cadet sailors had also done well in the main Club racing with a variety of under-18 winners.
There then followed the election of the new 2019 Cadet Committee, with Lauren Hooper being elected as Cadet Commodore, and Harrison Smith as her Vice Commodore. The meeting concluded with a discussion, by all present, on possible events for 2019.