SOS - Awesome On The Backwaters

SOS - Awesome On The Backwaters

Hey...didn’t we have an awesome time on Saturday 11 June when we were the guests of Walton and Frinton Yacht Club?  20 of us went along and got out on a fleet of Pico’s, Tera’s and a Topaz.  The light winds were in just the right direction which meant that when we launched we just ran down Foundry Reach and turned port into the Twizzle.  Sailing amongst the moored craft, we soon passed Titchmarsh Marina, and went on over the Wade.  The tide was still flooding and one or two of us just bumped the mud with our daggerboards, but we got across.  A few seals got curious and stuck their heads above the water, saw we were a friendly bunch, sniffed a little and disappeared under water.
Then it was time to turn back and it was a beat back against the last of the flood.  With time ticking against us, we got a bit of a tow part-way, and then we all sailed back to the Yacht Club, and it was time to pack the boats away.
A fantastic experience on the water, a very warm welcome from the Yacht Club, and idyllic weather made this a suuuuuper afternoon.  Thanks Nicola, and everyone at W&FYC – we had a great time and look forward to welcoming all of you on Saturday 9 July, down at the Gunfleet.