Another Great Day Of Racing At Gunfleet

Another Great Day Of Racing At Gunfleet

Gunfleet Sailing Club started the second race in its Spring Series, on Sunday 10 April, against a backdrop of blue skies, unbroken sunshine, and a light easterly breeze.

Stemming an ebbing tide the competitors edged their way to the start line on a very broad reach, all trying to be just in front of their rivals without crossing the line too early.  Unfortunately Clare Giles had the bow of her Europe the wrong side as the race commenced, and although the individual recall flag was immediately hoisted to indicate that one or more helms were at fault, she cracked on believing it to be signalling another sailor.  Eddie White was forced to return to the beach when the mainsail of his Comet started to come down, putting him out of the race.  The fleet stayed inshore, as they headed down the coast to the Eastcliff buoy, with Peter Downer windward of the now disqualified Giles and holding his own in his Comet.  Just behind, and closer to the shore, was Brian Allen in his Laser, followed by Ken Potts in his Laser, and then Chris Maloney in his Solo.  Once round Eastcliff it was a beat back up the coast to the AWS mark, with Potts now in the lead, followed by Allen.  Even in this early stage of the race the wind began veering south-easterly, resulting in a run inshore to the ODM; behind the Lasers being the three Solos of Maloney, Simon Clarke, and Dave Fowell, and then the RS Aero of Dave Ingle, with Downer staying doggedly in the middle of them.  The slight wind shift meant that the next leg, out to Preston Park buoy, was close hauled and required at least one tack to be able to round the mark but saw little change in positions, whilst once round it was a broad reach in to the Kingscliff mark and then straight back to the line.  At the end of the first lap Potts had carved-out a reasonable lead, followed by Downer in second place and Allen third.  On the second lap the wind continued to veer round to the south, freshening a little, and a few places changed; Fowell getting ahead of Clarke, and Maloney moving up to third place, whilst Ingle tried tacking out to sea earlier than the others on the beat between AWS and Preston Park, so closing the gap to his nearest rival, whilst Allen had now taken second place on handicap.  On the third and final lap Maloney managed to squeeze past Allen but Potts maintained sufficient lead to sail home to victory.

Results – Spring Series - 2:
1.    Laser – Ken Potts
2.    Solo – Chris Maloney
3.    Laser – Brian Allen

The evening before, the members had enjoyed a very useful and enjoyable talk on the Racing Rules from Club member Keith Lamdin; a talk that is to be repeated this coming Wednesday, in the Clubhouse, starting at 7:00 p.m.