The Club Looks Back At A Successful Year

The Club Looks Back At A Successful Year

Gunfleet Sailing Club held its Annual General Meeting on Sunday 5 December when Commodore Richard Walker looked back at a year of uncertainty; a very similar story to all clubs and organisations across the country.  Thanks to the understanding, and compliance, of the members it was possible to run an almost normal sailing programme, with the restrictions being complied with both on and off the water.  Racing numbers had been up throughout the season and the competition had been well balanced; the Laser fleet having the dominant presence.  The Club had warmly welcomed several new members, the vast majority being seasoned sailors, which instantly added to the activity on the water.  As restrictions eased it became possible to open the Clubhouse, and the Wednesday evening sailing was particularly popular, being followed by a drink from the bar and a bacon baguette; rounding off a good time on the water.  The monthly 3 in 1 races had proved popular with many, and the Personal Handicap Race, based on results to date for each sailor, had been very well received.  The Gunfleet Regatta saw visitors from a number of Clubs, and the Ladies Day had been a real success.  A new initiative of Social Sailing on a Tuesday morning had attracted the older sailors, with the camaraderie of the Club shining through.  A big thank you was given to the Senior Helm of the Club’s Rescue Craft, John Robertson, who had tirelessly operated this vital support service throughout the season.

The financial side was reported on by Club Treasurer Peter Downer and reassurance given that Gunfleet was in a sound position, and it was announced that the membership fees would remain unaltered for the coming year.  

Chairman of the Directors of Gunfleet Sailing Club Ltd, Malcolm Jolly, was pleased to report that, thanks to the commitment and dedication of the Committee, the Club had steered a safe and prudent course through the pandemic, but some vital works that were normally carried-out at the early part of the year, had to be suspended for twelve months.  

Finally, the Club members elected the following to the Committee for 2022:
Commodore:    Richard Walker
Vice Commodore:    Dave Fowell
Rear Commodore:    Malcolm Jolly    
Sailing Secretary:    Clare Giles    
Social Secretary:    Sandra Walker        
Cadet Officer:    Shelby Fowell        
Compound Officer:    Robert Mitchell