Work Weekend Works Wonders

Work Weekend Works Wonders

Over 40 members of the Gunfleet Sailing Club took part in the annual Work Weekend last Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 March.  The mild weather and light winds welcomed the helpers and it wasn't long before the Clubhouse looked resplendent in its fresh coat of creosote, whilst the cliff around the Club was perfectly manicured.  The mild steel posts at the end of the west compound, which had crumbled due to the total erosion through rust, were replaced with stainless steel ones and a team worked hard to install new stainless steel fence posts around the perimeter of the new compound.   The galley team worked hard to refresh the volunteers with baked beans on toast and endless supplies of tea, coffee and hot chocolate.

By the close of play on Sunday nearly all the jobs had been completed, making the place ready for the first sail of the season on 30 March 2017 and an exciting year ahead.