Gunfleet AGM Looks Back At Another Good Year

Gunfleet AGM Looks Back At Another Good Year

Gunfleet Sailing Club’s Commodore Richard Walker welcomed members to the 55th Annual General Meeting in the Clubhouse last Sunday afternoon 3 December.  He looked back over a year that had seen quite substantial improvements being carried out, including the purchase of beach mats, to assist the launching and recovery of boats, the amalgamation of the two dinghy enclosures to make a single, larger, compound, and the commencement of the programme to replace all the mild steel fence posts with more hardy stainless-steel ones.

He wished to express his sincere thanks to the Committee for their support and drive throughout the year, and reminded members that it was due to the commitment and enthusiasm of this team that saw the ongoing progress.  Particular thanks went to Cadet Officer Claire Aylen, presently in Australia, who had worked so hard to run the younger side of the Club, and build on the enthusiasm of the existing and new Cadets and Otters.

Treasurer Peter Downer went through, in detail, the accounts and highlighting the investment made in 2017 in the projects that the Commodore had referred to.  He was pleased to report that the Club continued to have a healthy bank balance although much of this was in an earmarked reserve towards a new Clubhouse.

Sailing Secretary Derroll Pedder reminded members of the activities on the water in 2017, including the Solution National Championships, the 405 Splash, Club Regatta, Cadet Week, and the cruises, particularly the Moonlight Cruise.  He felt the courses set during the year, for racing, had been varied and interesting and certainly stopped the competitors getting complacent.; and concluded by explaining the ongoing need to ensure there was ample Rescue Boat cover for each organised sailing event.   

Rear Commodore Helen Swinbourne reported that her entry onto the Committee, and into her role, was a bit of a “baptism of fire” but thanks to the assistance of the House and Wines Committee she had managed to sail through the year without too many worries.  The social calendar had a wide mixture of traditional, favourites, and new ideas which appeared to be a successful formula and very popular with the Club members.

The following were then elected to serve on the Club Committee in 2018
Commodore:  Richard Walker
Vice Commodore:  Dave Fowell
Rear Commodore:  Helen Swinbourne
Treasurer:  Peter Downer
Sailing Secretary:  Derroll Pedder
Social Secretary:  Rebecca Goodchild
Cadet Officer:  Claire Aylen
Compound Officer:  Jeremy Goodchild