Weather extremes frustrate Gunfleet sailors

Weather extremes frustrate Gunfleet sailors

Gunfleet Sailing Club was forced to cancel its second race in the Egg and Bacon series last Sunday 6 July due to gale force winds, conditions that have forced a number of this year’s events to be held over until a future date.

However, the previous Wednesday evening it was the other extreme when the Club concluded its Summer Series of races in light to non-existent winds. As competitors got ready a faint south westerly breeze just managed to lift the Club flag and it then went on to fade away. With a strong flooding tide the boats fought to avoid being over the line at the start but to no avail for two of them. Both Peter Downer in his Comet and Simon Clark in his Solution were forced to stem the tide to return and correctly cross the line before attempting to close the gap that now formed between them and the rest of the fleet. The Officer of the Day had wisely set a small and simple course to Eastcliff buoy, out to the Seaward mark, then to the Kingscliff buoy and back through the line but even this became a struggle. As the craft reached out to the Seaward buoy so the wind fell away to nothing and the helms found themselves being dragged backwards towards the pier. For some time the competitors sat patiently awaiting a faint puff but it was a long time coming. John Tappenden was first to make the mark in his RS600 and then he ghosted back towards the shore. Yvonne Gough was next round in her Laser but then found her boat being pulled backwards, whilst Antony Reeve and Tony Merryweather, both sailing Lasers, decided to call it a day and retire. Eventually a whisper of wind came across the water and very slowly ground was made. As competitors slipped around the Kingscliff buoy they were very relieved to see the shorten course hanging from the yardarm, putting them out of their misery.

The light airs however did not put off the Club’s Cadets and Otters who enjoyed themselves on Toppers and Topazes as they took part in some general fun on the water as part of the regular “After School Sailing” programme.


Summer Series 5:
1. RS600 – John Tappenden
2. Solution – Simon Clarke
3. Laser – Yvonne Gough

Summer Series Overall:
1. Laser – John Heath
2. Solution – Simon Clarke
3. RS700 – Ken Potts