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Last Sunday 24 July the Gunfleet Sailing Club held its race specifically for the slow handicap boats such as the Sea Rangers, Toppers and Topazes.  In a stiff offshore wind eleven boats came to the start line and it was Yvonne Gough in the Pico and Peter Downer in his Comet that lead the fleet on a fetch to the Eastcliff buoy.  It soon became apparent that not only was the wind gusting from a force four to a force six but it was also veering in direction by some 45 degrees, making conditions interesting for the competitors.  First to retire was Luke Kurtulus in his Sea Ranger and he lowered his mainsail and was escorted into the shore by the Rescue Boat.  The next leg took the boats on a run out to the Seaward buoy and unexpected gybes occurred as the wind direction suddenly changed.  Dave Fowell and Alan Gutteridge, sailing the 65 year old Witch, were close on the heels of the Comet, with Richard Walker in his Sea Ranger hot on their tail.  As the boats gybed at the Seaward mark Charlie Spence capsized in his Topaz, righted the craft, and capsized again; but the Rescue Boat was soon alongside and helped Spence back to shore.  Another casualty was Robert Gutteridge in his Topper who, having also capsized, made his way back to the beach.  As the boats beat in to the AWS buoy and then reached back out to the Seaward mark Bethany Ford had her Topaz up amongst the leaders but lost valuable ground when she too capsized.  It was on the reach back out to sea that Downer’s kicking strap pulled away from the mast and he lost several minutes making a temporary repair.  There was some further capsizing as the fleet gybed out at sea prior to heading for the Kingscliff buoy and through the line.  At the end of the first lap Walker had built up a small lead and on the second lap, with Ford capsizing a number of times and Downer having further problems with his kicker, he strengthened that position and took the winning gun.

Results: Potterer’s Pot:
1. Sea Ranger – Richard Walker
2. Witch – Dave Fowell and Alan Gutteridge
3. Comet – Peter Downer

The previous Wednesday evening Gunfleet held the second race in the Tony Chadd Series and the start got underway in a fresh southerly wind, the ten boats in the race making good time heading down the coast to the St. Michael’s buoy.  The fleet then headed out to sea and as they gybed around the Seaward mark so the wind began to fall away a little, but conditions still proved quite lively for a while until a further reduction in breeze began to slow the competitors down.  As the race went on so the wind faded still further and what started off as a lively sail ended up a very sedate affair.  

Results: Tony Chadd Trophy Series - 2
1. RS600 – Ken Potts
2. Blaze – John Tappenden
3. RS600 – Kelvin Morton