Weather Has Final Say

Weather Has Final Say

Members of Gunfleet Sailing Club tried to defy the elements last Sunday 7 August when ten boats headed to the start line for the Bill Geddes Trophy Race.  The wind was a south westerly force four, gusting six, and sea conditions were what some might call lively.  Capsizes occurred thick and fast and the Club Rescue Boat crew worked hard to ensure competitors were alright.  The first leg was a beat down the coast to the St. Michael’s buoy before a very broad reach out to the Seaward mark.  For those that were brave enough there followed a gybe before a reach into the AWS buoy and a run to the Kingscliff mark.  As the race progressed so the wind strengthened, and at one point hit a mid force seven.  Even with one or two retirements the Rescue Boat was beginning to struggle with the number of craft going over and the Officer of the Day wisely hoisted the abandoned flag.  Special mention must however go to Conor and Finlay Williams, both young Cadet members, who took part in the race in their Topaz.  Despite capsizing they kept going and only came in when the race was officially abandoned.  The race will now be rerun at a future date.

The previous Wednesday Gunfleet’s evening racing concluded with the final event in the Tony Chadd Series.  A pleasant southerly force three greeted the thirteen competitors and as the start gun echoed across the water it was Yvonne Gough in her Laser and Paul Davis in his Solution that were first across the line.  The fleet made short time of the first leg, to the Eastcliff buoy, and then close hauled, headed out to the Seaward mark.  But as the race went on so the wind began to fall away and competitors found it tougher fighting a strengthening ebb tide.  At the end of the first lap Ken Potts had carved out a convincing lead in his RS600 with Simon Mathewson second in his Vortex, but as the race progressed so he dropped back.

Results: Tony Chadd Trophy Series - 4
1. RS600 – Ken Potts
2. Solution – Simon Clarke
3. Solution – Paul Davis

Tony Chadd Trophy Overall:
1. RS600 – Ken Potts
2. Solution – Paul Davis
3. Solution – Simon Clarke