Double Victory For Ken Potts

Double Victory For Ken Potts

Gunfleet Sailing Club, once again, had a very busy weekend over 23 and 24 June.

Saturday was the final session in the first of two SOS four week sail-training events and a fleet of Toppers and Topazes went afloat in ideal conditions, although the offshore wind kept everyone on their toes!  The advancement shone through and it was a real credit to both the trainers and the trainees, over such a short space of time.  Once the boats had all been packed away it was celebration time with a fish and chip supper and a game of rounders, lead by that Cadet Commodore and Cadet Vice Commodore.  Nobody was quite sure who won but everyone had a great time and enjoyed Magnum Ice Creams as they looked back on a fun day and a fun four weeks. 

On Sunday morning the Club held its pursuit race, for the Chase Trophy, with Ken Potts taking the honours in his Laser.

At precisely 11:00 a.m. the Topper class got underway with Harrison Smith powering his boat into a north easterly breeze, as he beat up the coast to the Kingscliff buoy, assisted by a freshly ebbing tide.  Almost nine minutes later the Comet class set-off and the chase was on as Peter Downer headed after Smith, followed after another six minutes by the GP14’s with Dave Fowell and Daisy Swinbourne having a surprisingly poor start, whilst Derroll Pedder and Michael Gutteridge showed them how to be “right on the button”.  This time the gap was just three minutes before six Lasers took flight.  A staggering forty-four minutes after the Topper left the starting blocks it was the turn of the visiting catamarans from Clacton Sailing Club to give chase and three magnificent Hurricanes had a tight and closely bunched start.  The finale was to have been Pete Boxer on his elegant A class catamaran but as his class flag fell from the yardarm he was way out to sea, presumably in a world of his own!  The course took the competitors right down to Clacton Pier with all points of sailing and as the first lap was almost concluded it was an impressive looking Smith that still hung onto first place in his Topper, but a gust of wind caused him to capsize, spoiling his chances of maintaining the lead, despite an incredibly speedy recovery.  It then became clear that the Lasers were, at that moment in time, very strong contenders to win the race; Ken Potts leading, with Rob Lockett second and Andy Dunnett third.  But the three Hurricanes were certainly not going to make it easy and with their amazing power they were quickly picking-off their rivals.  Just to add to the fun, the cats were changing places amongst themselves, so a real race within a race.  The downwind legs were particularly spectacular as the colourful asymmetric spinnakers were hoisted and they put on the power.  Brian Allen and Rob Mitchell lead the cats with Larry Foxon and Dan Brzezinski sitting just behind.  However, on the second lap Mark and George Venables seized an opportunity to pull ahead, finishing sixth overall, just behind Allen and Mitchell in fifth place; the top four positions going to Gunfleet Lasers.  

Results:  The Chase:
1.    Laser – Ken Potts
2.    Laser – Andy Dunnett
3.    Laser – Rob Lockett

In the afternoon the Club held the race for the Jubilee Cup that had been postponed from a few weeks previous due to bad weather conditions.  The start made an impressive sight and nine dinghies headed, close hauled, up the coast to the Kingscliff buoy.  Once round the mark it was a reach round the AWS buoy, down to the Eastcliff mark, before a beat out to Seaward, a run back to Eastcliff and finally close-hauled home.  John Tappenden, convinced he had the correct course, only to start having doubts when everyone else went in a different direction; this lead to an early retirement.  Potts, once again, pulled into the lead and became unstoppable, try as the others might, whilst Downer, in his Comet, looked a force to be reckoned with until the wind changed in strength and left him halfway down the fleet; and yet again it became a Laser dominated event.

Results:  Jubilee Cup:
1.    Laser – Ken Potts
2.    Laser – Andy Dunnett
3.    Laser – Rob Lockett  

Course Board
Date 24 June 2018
Race The Chase
End Time 12:30
Wind Strength (Beaufort) Force 3
Wind Direction North-Easterly
High Tide 09:46
Course K - S - AWS - S - P - Line


Course Board

Date 24 June 2018
Race The Jubilee Cup
StartTime 13:30
Wind Strength (Beaufort) Force 3
Wind Direction Easterly
High Tide 09:46
Course K - AWS - E - S - E - Line