Rough and Tumble for Spring Series 2

Rough and Tumble for Spring Series 2

Gunfleet Sailing Club held the second race in its Spring Series last Sunday 11 April in what turned out to be very lively conditions.  Sunshine and blue skies tempted many sailors onto the water but a north/north easterly force four to five wind over ebbing tide made for a very lively sea.  Wisely Mark Venables in the Magno and Paul Davis in the Xenon both put reefs in their mainsails and just as all ten competitors launched so the wind strengthened.  Capsizes started occurring almost immediately as the boats roared up and down the start line waiting for the off.  As the start flag fell from the yardarm so the craft beat up towards the Kingscliff buoy, and straight away Cadets Sebastien Mathewson in his Byte and Tom Fadden in his Topper both capsized, requiring the assistance of the Club Rescue Boat before retiring.  Next to retire was Simon Mathewson in his Vortex who also found himself upside down, and at the same time both Venables and Davis headed swiftly back to the shore.  Sailing extremely well in the extreme conditions were Peter Downer in his Comet and Yvonne Gough in her Laser.  As the two of them reached, at an alarming pace, out to the Seaward buoy their colleagues, in RS600’s, both went over.  At this point the Officer of the Day wisely hoisted the race abandoned flag and everyone headed back to the beach; the race being rescheduled to be held later in the season. 

Meanwhile the Clubs Cadets and Otters were busy putting together the final plans for their “Tea by the Sea” which aims to raise fund for cancer research.  The event, which is to be held on the afternoon of Sunday 2 May, welcomes both members and the public to visit the Club and have tea and cakes for a donation to the cancer charity.