SOS Sail Training - A Great Time Had By All

SOS Sail Training - A Great Time Had By All

SOS was a real blast last Saturday 18 June when 24 of the Club’s Cadets and Otters took to the water for some sail training.  Eight, under the guidance of experienced members Peter Downer and Dave Fowell, were given basic sail training – the art of sailing a dinghy on the high seas; the remainder getting in some sharpening of their sailing skills to help make them real top-notch helms and crews, lead by seasoned sailors Ken Potts and Andy Dunnett.
Ken focused on the 405 squad – practising downwind tacking with the asymmetric spinnaker flying, whilst the Lasers Toppers and Topazes, under the watchful eye of Andy, got their beating and running up to speed.  
In the basic sail training Peter took two out at a time in a Topaz, and Dave also took two, this time in a GP14, and got the “newbies” to helm the boat and play the main.  Using the Club’s new training buoys, the two Gunfleet Rescue Boats kept a close eye on everyone, but were never called upon.
At the end of some great sailing it was all back to the Clubhouse for hot-dogs and burgers.