Fish 'N' Chips And A Bit Of A Scare

Fish 'N' Chips And A Bit Of A Scare

Gunfleet’s Cadets had a great time down the Club on Saturday evening - 25 February. 

It all started with fish and chips or, for some, jumbo sausages and chips, followed by a selection of ice creams and lollies.  The Club buzzed to the talk of the coming sailing season plus, less cheerfully, how the exam studying was going.  

The Cadets went silent as the “blockbuster movie” hit the screen, although there might have well been a few gasps!!  It was amazing just how fast the time went and all of a sudden the credits started rolling and up went the lights.

Cadet Commodore Harry then stood up and thanked everyone for coming to such a good evening, also thanking those that had helped with the food, clearing-up, blah...blah...blah; and everyone then shuffled out.  Thank goodness there was no sailing the next morning!