Gunfleet Report Archives:
Harry Takes The Helm Of The Cadets In 2017
The Gunfleet Sailing Club’s younger members, those under the age of eighteen of which there are 69, held their Annual General Meeting in the Clubhouse on Sunday 11 December. Retiring Cadet Commodore Daisy Swinbourne, having reached the age of 18, welcomed those attending and looked back over a full year of social and sailing activities, particularly focusing on the sail training early in the season, and the wide range of opportunities to get on the water. Daisy highlighted the SOS – Sailing On Saturday, which included being guests of Walton and Frinton Yacht Club and exploring the Backwaters, and the invitation from the Boating Club up at Holland Haven where the Cadets were given the thrill and spills of banana rides and pillion riding on Jet Skis. Then there had been the “full-on” Cadet Week which had been great fun and exciting, at the same time. This year’s Cadet Week had been sponsored by DONG Energy and the Cadets were keen to thank the company for its support. Then there had been Cadet Day sponsored, very generously, by Clacton’s Discount Windows and Conservatories, which had seen some exciting racing as well as a number of wild and wacky games on the beach.
Daisy concluded by thanking her Committee members for their support, and saying just how much she had enjoyed her role as Commodore over the past two years.
There then followed the election of Cadet Committee Officers for 2017:
Commodore: Harry Swinbourne
Vice Commodore: Ross Aylen
Rear Commodore: Tom Philpot
Sailing Secretary: Caleb Aylen
Social Secretary: Shona Goodchild
Compound Officer: Owen Hooper
Harry Swinbourne, as the new Cadet Commodore, thanked his sister for her hard work and commitment whilst in post, and welcomed the Club’s new Cadet Officer Claire Aylen.
All the Cadets present then recorded their thanks to the outgoing Cadet Officer Andy Dunnett, who had been so supportive throughout 2016.
The meeting concluded with an open discussion on possible activities and ideas, both on and off the water, for the coming year.