Cadet & Otter Social A Great Success

Cadet & Otter Social A Great Success

Last Saturday afternoon 8 February the Clubhouse was buzzing when 23 Cadets and Otters met-up down the Gunfleet for their first social of 2014.  The event started with a reminder of the 2013 Cadet Week as some great action shots were projected onto the big screen.  The sparkling water, sunshine and ideal sailing breeze displayed contrasted with the weather outside the Clubhouse that afternoon - winds gusting up to Force 11 and grey murky seas crashing wildly onto the foreshore.  Popcorn and sausage rolls were consumed and then the entertainment took off.  Time just flew and all too soon it was time to go home; the Cadets and Otters looking forward to the games afternoon set for Saturday 8 March, starting at 3:00 p.m.