Gunfleet 2013 Cadet Week On Its Way....

Gunfleet 2013 Cadet Week On Its Way....

Hey, the clock is ticking....Gunfleet's 2013 Cadet Week is on its way and it's going to be the best ever.  2013 Cadet Week is from Monday 26 August to Friday 30 August with a mix of racing, cruising, games, loads of activities on and off the water, and most of all....loads of FUN.  Then of course there is the Cadet Week Party on Saturday 31 August - the coolest place to be.

You should all have received your Booking Form in the Summer edition of the Gunfleet Gazette and with places limited to 40 you need to return your form (with the money) as soon as possible to our Cadet Officer Chris Williams to avoid disappointment.  The final deadline for returning the forms is 11 August but it really is a first come - first served basis.  

You won't want to miss this year's Cadet Week - it's going to be a blast!