Simon Claims The Jubilee Trophy In Unsettled Conditions

Simon Claims The Jubilee Trophy In Unsettled Conditions

A somewhat “frisky” offshore wind greeted the sailors at Gunfleet Sailing Club on Sunday 9 June 2024 when they took part in the race for the Jubilee Trophy.  As the competitors were busy rigging-up on the beach a sudden squall blew through, sufficient to push a number of boats on their trolleys along the shoreline.  At this point, a number of the helms decided that discretion was the better part of valour and returned their craft to the compound.

Meanwhile, those that launched had to be on their toes as not only did the wind vary, very suddenly, in strength, it also changed in direction; veering from west to north-west before swinging back again.  Tom Bartlett capsized prior to the start, in his Topaz, as did Dale Steggles in his Laser, and Paul Jackson broke the rudder blade on his Solo and had to be towed in by the Club’s Safety Boat.  Father and daughter, Simon and Laura Kedge, found conditions just a bit too lively and retired their GP14 back to the shore, whilst the Toppers of Finley Taylor, Adam Kedge, and Izzie Heath  were whizzing up and down, enjoying every minute of it; the latter class having their own race over a slightly smaller course.

First away in the main fleet was Ken Potts in his Laser, with Simon Clarke just behind, as the boats made their way down the coast to the Eastcliff buoy, on primarily a fetch.  Potts rounded the mark first, followed by Clarke, and then Yvonne Gough in her Laser, before gybing and reaching back to the AWS buoy, when a second gybe was required.  There then followed a broad reach/run, depending on the wind shifts, out to Seaward before hardening up and beating back to the Eastcliff buoy.  In order to avoid any confrontation, when rounding Eastcliff, with boats coming the other way, dinghies were required to round the mark to port but unfortunately Potts took it to starboard and was disqualified.  Onlookers were impressed when, on the next leg from Eastcliff to Preston Park, Bartlett hoisted his asymmetric spinnaker and took off on a three sailed reach singlehanded.  However, it wasn’t long before he had capsized, losing valuable time righting the Topaz and recovering the kite.  After a short beat into Kingscliff it was then back to the line; at the end of the first lap Clarke had a clear lead which he held on the second and final lap.

Meanwhile the Toppers sailed a clean course, with no capsizes, Adam Kedge pulling ahead early on and taking the winning gun.

Jubilee Trophy
1.    Europe – Simon Clarke
2.    Laser – Yvonne Gough
3.    Topaz – Tom Bartlett

Cadet Race
1.    Topper – Adam Kedge
2.    Topper – Finley Taylor


Course Board
Date 9 June 2024
Race Jubilee Trophy
Start Time 11:00
Wind Strength (Beaufort) Force 3 to 5
Wind Direction West/North-Westerly
High Tide 14:42
Course E - AWS - S - E - PP - K - Line


Course Board
Date 9 June 2024
Race Cadet Race
Start Time 11:10
Wind Strength (Beaufort) Force 3 to 5
Wind Direction West/North-Westerly
High Tide 14:42
Course E - PP - ODM - PP - K - Line