Cliff Clearance A Great Success

Cliff Clearance A Great Success

Saturday 11 February saw over twenty members arrive at the Club "all tooled-up"!  Quick to explain that this was a mix of loppers, secateurs, bow saws, hedge trimmers, and chain saws.  They came to do battle with the tamarisk that would, otherwise, gradually engulf the Club.  The work actually started the day before when Compound Officer Brian Allen lead the charge, with Jer assisting him to clear much of the west bank.  The weather was superb and on Saturday the team advanced towards Star Point, taking no prisoners!  The overgrowth was soon cut back, and put up little resistance to the might of the Gunfleet army.  Debbie and Sandra provided a tasty hot lunch for all the helpers, and then it was back to the battlefield to pick-up all the cuttings and carefully but them in neat piles for the Council to shred next week (arranged with TDC in advance).  The sun shone bright, and the camaraderie shone even brighter; the Club advanced closer to the start of the sailing season with just one more battle to fight - the Work Weekend of the 11 & 12 March, when the troops will rally round once more.

Well done Gunfleet.