Work Weekend A Huge Success

Work Weekend A Huge Success

WoW – Work Weekend at Gunfleet proved a great success last Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 March with not only a lot of routine maintenance being undertaken, but also some bigger projects that have resulted in real improvements to the Club.

After missing a Work Weekend in 2021 due to Covid, the poor old place cried out for some TLC, and some 30 members rallied round to offer their help.  The Clubhouse got creosoted, the changing rooms spruced-up, the winch serviced, Clubhouse cleaned internally, sand swept out of the compound, veranda floor freshly seasoned; and they were just some of the routine maintenance jobs.  The bigger projects saw the remaining mild steel posts, at the front of the compound, replaced with stainless steel ones, a new floor put in the entrance porch and race box, and new lights installed, both internally and externally.

Hot lunches were provided on both days, along with lashings of tea, coffee and hot chocolate; much appreciated by a hungry and thirsty workforce.

It was hard work, but it was fun, and the Club is now already to welcome the first race of the season on Sunday 27 March – for the March Hare Trophy.