Some Close & Exciting Racing For Tee Dee Trophy

Some Close & Exciting Racing For Tee Dee Trophy

Gunfleet Sailing Club held one of its 3 in 1 races, for the Tee Dee Trophy on Sunday 7 August, in what proved to be almost perfect conditions - a force three to four south/south-westerly wind, backing southerly during the event.

With the ebb tide allowing competitors to almost sit on the line, it was John Tappenden's RS Aero that lead the way on the first race as the boats headed down the coast, close hauled, to the Eastcliff buoy.  Bunched next to him, at the Outer Distance Mark, were the Lasers of Ken Potts, Paul Stanton, and Tim Dye, whilst much closer to the Inner Distance Mark were Keith Lamdin and Dave Fowell in their GP14, cheating the adverse effect of the tide.  Whilst most helms pointed high, Potts bore away a little but the extra speed didn't pay off as Tappenden rounded the windward mark first, followed by Dye.  The reach back up the coast to the AWS buoy saw Tappenden open up a comfortable gap with Dye still second and Potts third.  The beat to the Lilley Farm mark saw little change but after then reaching to the Seaward buoy it was interesting to note the GP14 was now fourth and Dave Ingle in his RS Aero fifth.  A run to the Kingscliff buoy reassured Tappenden that first place was looking very likely but all eyes were on Dye and Potts as the boats were now neck and neck.  The fetch back to the line was proving to be a real cliff-hanger but within a boat length of the finish Potts just eased his way in front.

The second race saw Potts first away, Tappenden and Dye champing at his side, whilst Lamdin and Fowell tried beating up the line on starboard to give themselves a clear start, and block those on port, but alas this failed to impact on the others.  Ingle was in the thick of things and, very impressively, Eddie White was splitting the Laser fleet in his Comet; not bad for an 86 year old!  By now the wind had backed, resulting in a bit of a procession   Suffice that the conditions suited Tappenden who lapped it up and came home first, again, with Potts and Dye second and third.

A change of course in the third race ensured a beat from the AWS buoy to the Seaward mark and this split the fleet between hardening-up and heading straight out to sea, then tacking parallel to the offshore buoy, or tacking at AWS, punching the weaker tide and then tacking out.   Marginal differences but Potts managed to slip in front of Tappenden to take the third race.  Credit must be given to Simon and Nicky Kedge, who narrowed the gap to their nearest rival with each race, in the Topaz.

Results:  Tee Dee Trophy
1.    RS Aero – John Tappenden
2.    Laser – Ken Potts
3.    Laser – Tim Dye

Course Board
Date 7 August 2022
Race Tee Dee Trophy 1 & 2
Start Time 11:00 & 11:35
Wind Strength (Beaufort) Force 3 - 4
Wind Direction South/South-Westerly
High Tide 07:20
Course E - AWS - LF - S - K - Line
Course Board
Date 7 August 2022
Race Tee Dee Trophy 3
Start Time 12:05
Wind Strength (Beaufort) Force 3 - 4
Wind Direction Southerly
High Tide 07:20
Course E - AWS - S - K - Line