Single Handed Race Proves A Success

Single Handed Race Proves A Success

Toppo Single Helm/Cadet Single Helm - Course: Kingscliff - Seaward - AWS - Seaward - St. Michael's - Line

Following the recent wild weather that the Club had suffered, members of Gunfleet Sailing Club came out in force last Sunday 10 June to take to the water under blue skies, sunshine and a light onshore breeze.  Sixteen boats took part in the race for the Toppo Single Handed Trophy, six of which were sailed by the Club’s youngsters who were also competing for their own Cadet Single Helm.  Fighting a freshly flooding tide the competitors reached up the coast to the Kingscliff mark, the Laser fleet being lead by Andy Dunnett whilst the Club’s traditional One Design class, the Sea Ranger, was headed by Fred Webster.  The next leg took the competitors out to sea and as the helms headed for the Seaward buoy they found an extra tack was required in order to round it.  There then followed a run down to the AWS buoy when several boats found the strengthening tide dragging them towards the Pier, requiring a concentrated effort to stem the tide and minimise lost time.  It was then a second beat out to sea before a broad reach down the coast to St. Michael’s and then back along the shore and through the line.  Dunnett maintained his lead in the Laser Fleet whilst Richard Walker slipped past the other Sea Rangers to gain front place, but on handicap it was Peter Downer that was in first position after the first lap.  The Cadet sailors, as well as being in the thick of the main race, were having their own tussle and the leading helm, after the first lap, was Charlie Spence in his Topaz, although Matt Downing was hard on his heels in his Contender.  The wind went on to freshen a little, and then drop back as the race continued but Downer and Spence proved unstoppable, taking the Toppo Single Helm and Cadet Single Helm respectively.

Results: Toppo Single Helm:
1. Comet – Peter Downer
2. Laser – Andy Dunnett
3. Sea Ranger – Richard Walker

Cadet Single Helm:
1. Topaz – Charlie Spence
2. Contender – Matt Downing
3. Topper – Ben Richardson