Lively Conditions Prove Testing

Lively Conditions Prove Testing

 The Gunfleet Sailing Club played catch-up last Sunday morning 5 June when it held the race for the Wallet Trophy; an event that had been postponed from 1 May due to very strong winds on the day.  Conditions were not a lot better this time with a force four gusting five to six north/north easterly wind and a lively sea offshore.  Capsizes came thick and fast with Eddie White in his Solution retiring back to the beach at a very early stage, followed shortly afterward by Matt Downing in his Contender.  On the start line John Tappenden set off on a port tack in his Laser whilst the rest of the fleet were on starboard, everyone keeping close to the shore to avoid the flooding tide as they beat up to the Kingscliff buoy.  There then followed a run back to the AWS mark before beating back to the Kingscliff buoy and a very broad reach out to the Seaward mark.  Those that tried gybing at the appropriate point soon found themselves in the water and this included Andy Dunnett in his Laser and Simon Clarke in his Solution.  Meanwhile the more prudent sailors tacked their boats around and saved a ducking.  Once out at the Seaward buoy it was an exhilarating reach in to the Eastcliff mark and then a beat back to the line.  At the end of the first lap Tappenden had a small lead but he was later to lose that when he capsized close to shore on his final leg, allowing Ken Potts to take the trophy by a narrow margin. 

Results: Wallet Trophy
1. RS600 – Ken Potts
2. Laser – John Tappenden
3. Solution – Simon Clarke

In the afternoon over 30 members attended a sail traing programme at the Club and were shown both the basics of sailing and also how to improve their sailing technique, and whilst the weather prevented anyone getting on the water the theory in the Clubhouse, and practical in the compound of boat rigging and sail setting proved very useful.

The previous Wednesday evening seventeen boats entered the second race in the Summer Series under blue skies and a pleasant force three to four onshore wind.  Unfortunately the tide was just making and the eagerness of the competitors saw a very bunched line with craft heading across it moments before the start.  With at least half the boats on the wrong side the Officer of the Day had no option but to hoist the General Recall flag and have everyone back.  Ten minutes later, at the second attempt, the race got underway.  It wasn’t long before the fleet was at the St. Michael’s buoy and there then followed a fetch to the Seaward mark.  As the boats headed out to sea so the wind began to slowly fall away and by the time the craft had run to the AWS buoy and then beat back out to Seaward there was little more than a light breeze.  Even this didn’t last long and as time went on so the air became very still.  The race was therefore shortened to one lap and the helms very slowly made their way back to the shore.

Results: Summer Series 2
1. RS600 – Ken Potts
2. Byte – Simon Mathewson
3. Solution – Simon Clarke