Gunfleet 2010 Cadet Week Defies Weather and Proves Big Hit

Gunfleet 2010 Cadet Week Defies Weather and Proves Big Hit

Last Sunday evening 29 August over 80 Club members came together at Gunfleet Sailing Club to celebrate a very successful Gunfleet Cadet Week.  The Week started the previous Monday in strong winds and as the week went on so the wind got even stronger but this did not stop over 40 Club Cadets and Otters having a great time on, in, and off the water each day.  Despite the rather extreme conditions the youngsters managed to get their boats on the sea three out of the five days and had some exhilarating sailing in a fleet of Toppers and Topazes.  This included, on Friday, sailing up to the Clacton Air Show to watch the planes close-hand. 

On two of the days the wind was so strong, and the waves so large, that it proved ideal for a bit of surfing and wave diving.  On shore there were several games organised which included, amongst other things, rounders, tug of war, and Bulldog, and this kept the youngsters amused throughout the day.

Sunday’s evening barbecue and grand firework display was a perfect finale to a superb week.  Every Cadet and Otter that took part received a certificate and unique 2010 Cadet Week T-shirt.  Cadet Commodore Sonny Hart, on behalf of all those taking part, thanked Cadet Officer Andy Ford and his team of helpers for putting-on such a brilliant week of entertainment; he also thanked all those who had provided first class lunches as well as ongoing refreshment.

Cadet Officer Andy Ford said “Gunfleet’s Cadets and Otters are a credit to the Club and, as well as enjoying themselves, they had also all worked hard to ensure the Week went off without a hitch.

For a more detailed look at the 2010 Cadet Week, plus pictures from each day, go to the Cadets and Otters Page on this website.

On Saturday the youngsters’ “Sailing On Saturday” continued including the second race in the series for Toppers and Topazes.  With a wickedly strong ebb tide and a gusty offshore wind the competitors did extremely well to get around the course.  The Topper fleet was first away and it was of little surprise that seasoned sailor Sebastien Mathewson soon had a convincing lead but the real tussle was between Robert Gutteridge and Zak Kurtulus.  Despite some first class tactics from Kurtulus it was Gutteridge that eventually took second place.  In the Topaz fleet it was Charlie and Harry Spence who got a very good start but despite being challenged by Bethany Ford they kept the lead until the Eastcliff buoy.  Then, out of nowhere, Aaron Baker slipped around the mark and pulled ahead, only to take the wrong course.  Also sailing past the Spences were Ben and Oli Withams, who took six year old Ted Newson with them for some sail training, and despite capsizing at the gybe mark managed to keep the lead and take victory.

Results – SOS Races:
Topper Series – 2:
1.  Sebastien Mathewson
2. Robert Gutteridge
3. Zak Kurtulus
Topaz Series – 2:
1. The Witham Boys and Ted Newson
2. Charlie and Harry Spence
3. India Ford and Bethany Sullivan

On Sunday there was a force five gusting six westerly offshore wind and grey skies to greet the competitors for the Toppo Single Helm Trophy.  Capsizes were guaranteed and moments after the start of the race Simon Mathewson went over in his Vortex; this was to be one of several capsizes by the Vortex.  As the boats beat to the Eastcliff buoy the next one to go over was Sebastien Mathewson in his Topper; and then Kelvin Morton capsized his RS600 right by the mark, allowing several competitors to sail around him.  On the downwind leg, out to the Seaward buoy, the wind freshened still further, gusting to force seven at times.  This resulted in boats reaching some alarming speeds and it wasn’t long before Sonny Hart went over in his Solution, followed shortly after by Michael Pedder in his Qba.  After this Pedder managed to keep the craft on an even-keel but Hart death rolled his boat a number of times although finishing the race a respectable fourth.  Morton was less lucky, and having righted his RS600 he went off once more at a tremendous speed before nose-diving the boat; at which point the mast snapped as the craft flipped over.  The Club Rescue Boat was close at hand and returned the boat and helm back to the shore.  Sailing a very clean course, and not going over once, was Simon Clarke who took a well earned first place.

Results – Toppo Single Helm:
1. Solution – Simon Clarke
2. RS600 – Ken Potts
3. Topper – Sebastien Mathewson

Due to even stronger wind conditions on Bank-holiday Monday the Officer of the Day wisely hoisted the “Racing Cancelled” flag and the race for the Club’s oldest trophy, the Tee Dee Challenge Cup, will now have to be rescheduled for a later date.