Gunfleet Report Archives:
No Sailing But Shore-based Events Continue
With the coast protection scheme in full swing, and the contractors working in front of the Club, it was no surprise to receive the notification that there could be no sailing this bank-holiday weekend. However, this did not deter the members from coming down to the Clubhouse. On Saturday 23 May it was the start of SOS – Sailing On Saturday for the Cadets and Otters and the planned sail & race training went ahead on dry land with the experienced sailors being taught the theory of getting the laylines right, whilst the novices were shown how to rig a Topaz and the basics of setting-up a boat ready for action.
On Sunday evening 60 members came down the Gunfleet to take part in the walking Treasure Hunt; such was the popularity of the event that unfortunately some members had to be turned away as the maximum limit had been reached. Setting of in teams there was a circular route around the highways and byways of Clacton and Holland, finding answers to clues and discovering facts about the area. The times taken varied between 45 minutes and over an hour and a half with the two extremes both getting maximum points. The competitors were greeted back at the Club with bacon baguettes and Magnum ice creams before settling down to watch the grand firework display from Clacton Pier, being entertained, in-between, by the large plant building a fishtail groyne immediately to the west of what will be the Club’s bay.
So, whilst temporarily prevented from getting on the water, the Club continued to provide much of its programme of events to its members.