Cliff Clearance A Real Success

Cliff Clearance A Real Success

On Saturday 21 February the sun shone and a light offshore breeze greeted over 30 members of the Gunfleet when they took part in the Club’s annual cliff clearance.  Armed with their “loppers and choppers” the team got stuck into cutting back the tamarisk – from Star Point to the far end of West Compound.  Tendring District Council supplied a shredder and operator and soon the whole cliff was buzzing.  Ages ranged from over three score years and ten to just six but everyone mucked in.  Those not cutting-down were busy picking-up as armfuls of tamarisk were ferried to the shredder.  All too soon it was time for a coffee break and then it was back on the tools.  Refreshed, and firing on all cylinders, the team continued hacking-back and soon the vast majority of the area was clear.  Rear Commodore Jon Meggison and Cadet Commodore Daisy Swinbourne prepared lunch for everyone; the meal giving a chance to recharge the batteries and catch-up with old friends.  Then it was the final fling as the very last bits of overgrowth were cut down, followed by a quick sweep-up; all ready for the coming sailing season ahead.  A big well done and thank you to all those taking part – a great team effort by a great team.