Tappenden Takes The Trophy

Tappenden Takes The Trophy

With winds gusting up to 42 miles per hour last Saturday 15 June the first race in the Gunfleet Sailing Club’s Cadet and Otter Class Points had to be postponed but fortunately Sunday’s weather proved more favourable for the race for all members for the Jubilee Cup.  In a force 5 south/south-westerly wind Club Commodore Richard Walker sailed down the line in his Sea Ranger on starboard tack, calling for right of way to the majority of competitors who were powering-up on port tack by the Outer Distance Mark.  Along with Simon Clarke and Emily Cossens in their Scorpion the two boats headed out to sea to make maximum use of the freshly flooding tide whilst the rest of the fleet headed inshore as the craft made their way down the coast to the St. Michael’s buoy.  There then followed a broad reach out to the Seaward buoy, a gybe, and then a fetch to the Eastcliff mark, a second gybe, a run to the Kingscliff buoy, hooking round the AWS buoy on the way, before a third gybe and a beat back to the line.  By the end of the first lap the wind had freshened and was nudging into a force 6, and in the lead was John Tappenden in his Blaze, with Paul Davis second in his Solution and Walker third.  During the second lap a number of places changed, and changed again but Tappenden remained the clear leader throughout.

Results – Jubilee Cup
1. Blaze – John Tappenden
2. Solution – Paul Davis
3. Scorpion – Simon Clarke and Emily Cossens
The previous Wednesday evening, 12 June, members of the Gunfleet took part in the third race in the Summer Series and once again conditions were far from attractive.  The competitors were greeted by grey overcast skies and strong southerly winds, and this deterred a number of sailors, particularly as there was a threat of gales coming through.
Clarke and Cossens got off to a good start in their Scorpion as the boats reached up the coast to the Kingscliff buoy but Ken Potts, starting by the Inner Distance Mark, picked up an alarming speed and motored past them.  As the fleet then tacked out to the Seaward buoy Kelvin Morton overtook Potts and was first round the mark, only to lose it when he capsized on the downwind tack back to Kingscliff.  The rest of the competitors ran directly to the Kingscliff buoy, rounded it and then beat out to the AWS buoy, followed by a fetch to Eastcliff and a reach back through the line.  As the race went on so the freshening wind that was forecast hit the fleet with gusts of 30 mph recorded.  Potts was in his element and out in front by the end of the first lap and, try as he might, Tappenden was unable to gain the lead in his Blaze despite closing the gap considerably during the second and third lap.
Results – Summer Series 3:
1. RS600 – Ken Potts
2. Blaze – John Tappenden
3. RS600 – Kelvin Morton