Dunnett's Double Dose Of Domination!

Dunnett's Double Dose Of Domination!

Gunfleet Sailing Club members took to the water on Sunday 10 September 2023, during the unnaturally hot weather, to enjoy a full day of racing in very light winds.

The Tee Dee Challenge Cup was sailed with three short back to back races, and at a closely bunched first race start it was John Tappenden leading the fleet in his RS Aero as he beat close to the shore on the way up the coast to the Kingscliff buoy; a surprising tactic as the tide was ebbing and it would possibly have been more advantageous to sailors further out.  In fact half the fleet did tack out to sea and felt the benefit of the tide under them; Jono Dunnett reaching the mark first in his Laser, Tappenden second and Brian Allen, in his Laser, third.  There followed a beam reach out to the Preston Park buoy before a run to the ODM.  By the time they made this mark, Ken Potts in his Laser, and Dave Ingle in his RS Aero had slipped past Allen.  Lead positions stayed the same as the craft beat back up the coast to Kingscliff and then it was a final run back to the line when Paul Stanton eased his way into third place in his Laser, Potts second, and Dunnett first.
The second race in the trio saw an individual recall for one of the GP14s but a number of boats turned back, unnecessarily, and lost valuable time.  Allen lead the fleet up to Kingscliff, followed by Robert Mitchell in his Laser, and then Stanton but as the race progressed it was the Aeros of Tappenden and Ingle that moved ahead, followed by Mitchell until, on the run to the ODM, the latter capsized in a moment’s lack of concentration.  By now Dunnett and Allen were neck and neck, with Allen taking this second race on handicap, a split second ahead of Dunnett, Tappenden gaining third.
The final race saw Tappenden lead at the start but, once again, he found Dunnett snapping at his heels; Potts capsized after gybing in his Laser on the run and finding his cap flicked off his head by the boom, whilst Peter Downer kept his fellow Comet sailors at bay but was unable to break into the top three.  Dunnett took the winning gun and with it the trilogy overall.  

Results – Tee Dee Trophy:
1.    Laser – Jono Dunnett
2.    RS Aero – John Tappenden
3.    Laser – Brian Allen

In the second race of the Autumn Series, Tappenden was over the line at the start but quickly returned whilst Ingle lead the fleet around the whole course but, on handicap, was unable to prevent Dunnett claiming his second victory of the day.

Results – Autumn Series - 2:
1.    Laser – Jono Dunnett
2.    RS Aero – John Tappenden
3.    Comet – Peter Downer

Course BoardCourse Board
Date 10 September 2023
Race Tee Dee Challenge Trophy
Start Time 11:00 - 11:35 - 12:10
Wind Strength (Beaufort) Force 2
Wind Direction North-Easterly veering Easterly
High Tide 09:08
Course K - PP - ODM - K - Line
Course BoardCourse Board
Date 10 September 2023
Race Autumn Series - 2
Start Time 13:30
Wind Strength (Beaufort) Force 2
Wind Direction Easterly
High Tide 09:08
Course K - AWS - S - E - Line