Exciting Racing Takes Ken To Victory

Exciting Racing Takes Ken To Victory

Gunfleet Sailing Club held the second race in its Spring Series last Sunday 23 April, St. George's Day, in very mixed weather conditions, with Ken Potts once again taking top spot in his Laser.

A fresh southerly wind and overcast skies, coupled with intermittent light showers, provided the backdrop to the race but this didn’t deter a strong entry.  So eager were the competitors that more than half the fleet were over the line at the start, sped on by the flood tide, and up went the general recall flag; ten minutes later the second start saw an identical situation and back the boats came once again.  In order to avoid a continuous repetition the “black flag” was brought out which ensured the third attempt to start would definitely go ahead, anyone over the line being disqualified.  Fortunately this proved an unnecessary step as the whole fleet got off to a clear start, and the race was underway, Andy Dunnett leading in his Laser, followed by Brian Allen, also in a Laser, and then John Tappenden in his RS Aero.  The boats fetched down the coast to the Eastcliff buoy with Dunnett taking the mark a little wide, allowing Potts to slip round inside him and gain the lead.  Tappenden also left a little too much space and Simon Clarke seized the opportunity and cut under him in his Solo.  Slightly further back Joff Strutt had a technical issue when the outhall on his Laser became undone and he lost several valuable minutes sorting the problem out.  The second leg was a reach back past the Club and up to the Preston Park buoy, with Potts still leading, followed by Tappenden, Clarke, Dunnett, and Allen.  The helms then hardened-up and beat out to the Seward mark with some just heading towards the horizon, whilst other quickly put a tack in at an early stage, so keeping clear of their rivals.  Paul Jackson and William Steggles drove their GP14 hard whilst Eddie White decided the conditions were a little much for him and retired.  From Seaward it was a run down to the AWS buoy and this leg saw a number of capsizes; the heavy swell and gybing, not always intentional, causing a few mishaps.  Following a reach to the Kingscliff mark it was a fetch back through the line, and at the end of the first lap it was Potts that had the lead, followed by Tappenden and then Dunnett.  The second lap saw Dunnett drop back with technical issues and Robert Mitchell driving his Laser into third place.  Further capsizes took place with Dale Steggles capsizing his Laser at the Kingscliff buoy and Allen turtling his Laser on the run into AWS.  By the end of the third lap, try as he might, Tappenden couldn’t quite catch Potts who sailed home to victory.

Results:  Spring Series 2
1.    Laser – Ken Potts
2.    RS Aero – John Tappenden
3.    Laser – Robert Mitchell