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Gunfleet Sailing Club’s Cadets and Otters (those under 18 years of age) had a great sail last Saturday morning 10 June with the SOS Cat & Mouse Race.  The first away was the Topper fleet followed, some four minutes later, by the Topazes.  Nearly 11 minutes after the Toppers set off it was time for the Hobie 405 class to get underway; the sole intention to get in front of everyone by the time the race finished.  Korben Symmonds stayed in front for a while in his Topper whilst Harrison Smith and Mac Symmonds lead the Topaz fleet.  It wasn’t long before Harry Swinbourne and Lily Kearns-Kennedy, in a Topaz, went to the front, being chased by Tom and Ed Philpot in their 405.  Gaps closed, and overtaking was not an uncommon site but whilst the Philpot brothers worked hard to move up the pack in their 405, they just fell short of Swinbourne and Kearns-Kennedy. 
SOS Cat & Mouse:    
1.    Topaz – Harry Swinbourne and Lily Kearns-Kennedy
2.    Hobie 405 – Tom and Ed Philpot
3.    Topaz – Jude Aylen and Esme Symmonds

On Sunday morning 11 June there was a fresh south-westerly wind blowing as the competitors rigged their boats to take part in the single handed race for the Toppo Trophy.  Robert Gutteridge got a cracking start as he sheeted his Laser in and just flew through the line, the others all giving chase.  With a flooding tide speeding the craft on their way the more astute helms tacked, on the beat down the coast to St. Michael’s buoy, and headed out to sea, gaining a cleaner wind as well as an extra bit of assistance from the tidal push.  As the craft started the second leg, a run back up the coast to the Eastcliff mark, Harry Swinbourne spotted an opportunity to take the leading position, but Gutteridge was having none of this and, by the time the boats were heading out to the Seaward buoy, he was back in front once again.  Half way through the race the wind backed southerly, catching a few competitors out, including Harrison Smith who was sailing his Topaz solo.  At the offshore gybe mark he capsized the boat, resulting in Smith getting a hefty wack on the head by the boom.  The wind had also freshened and was, at times, touching a force six.  This didn’t deter Gutteridge who stayed doggedly focused throughout the race and took a convincing win.

Toppo Single Helm:
1.    Laser – Robert Gutteridge
2.    Solution – Derroll Pedder
3.    Laser – Yvonne Gough

In the afternoon it was time for Gunfleet’s Ladies Who Launch and despite the wind strengthening and, at times, hitting a force seven, there were a number of female members keen to go out.  After some very lively sailing everyone returned safely to shore to be greeted by a full Afternoon Tea in the Clubhouse.