The Golden Tones At Gunfleet

The Golden Tones At Gunfleet

Gunfleet’s Eurovision Karaoke, last Saturday 10 May, really hit the high notes with a packed Clubhouse and an array of musical talent.  Ted Newson, along with Korben and Mac Symmonds, kicked the whole thing off with some great harmonies on some of the very latest hits, and then it was the turn of husband and wife Kevin and Nicki Jay – rolling back the years with some tremendous rock classics.  Before long we had the Gunfleet’s answer to One Direction as a group of dads relived their youth, and then the mums turned into the Gunfleetettes to woo us all with a real “wall of sound”.  Once again our old favourite “Big Bopper” – Ken Potts put down his drink for a minute to regale everyone with Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire, followed by his adaptation of King of the Road (Beach Hut for sale or rent, flats to let at no great expense.... are you sure this wasn’t just and advert Ken?)!!
Bacon Baguettes and Magnum ice creams helped lubricate the throats, at the halfway stage, before some further fine displays of Gunfleet’s Got Talent, The Voice, and X Factor all rolled into one.  The evening proved a real hit with everyone and clearly demonstrated that sailing and singing are just two of the many skills possessed by the members of the Gunfleet Sailing Club.
Sadly, the following day, strong winds gusting up to force 7 put pay to getting on the water and the planned race for the Hertford County Shield has been postponed until Sunday 29 June at 3:00 p.m.