First Club Cruise Of 2014 An Absolute Hit

First Club Cruise Of 2014 An Absolute Hit

Last Sunday 18 May members of Gunfleet Sailing Club cast off from their headquarters on the first official cruise of this season.  Seventeen dinghies, accompanied by one of the Club's Rescue Boats, departed under blue skies, unbroken sunshine and a pleasant light easterly breeze.  The armada of boats took the last of the flood tide and headed “westward-ho”, making easy passage as it reached down the coast.  It wasn’t long before the craft made Clacton Pier and then continued on past Martello Bay and Jaywick Sands, before landing at St. Osyth.  After a break for some refreshment the dinghies then took the first of the ebb to beat back to the Club.  By this time the wind had freshened to a force four, providing superb conditions; the dinghies simply romping home.  All too soon the boats were back in the compound, safely stored away, and the members all agreed it had been a wonderful first cruise of 2014.