Weather Once More Has Final Say

Weather Once More Has Final Say

Last Sunday afternoon 1 July the Gunfleet Sailing Club was planning to hold its annual Pursuit Race for the Ken Potts Trophy, but with the winds gusting 34 mph (Force 8) the Officer Of the Day (OOD) once more hoisted the “Race Postponed, No More Racing Today” flags signal.  Although that certain well-known law then came into force which saw the wind rapidly decrease it soon climbed back up and continued to gust between 29 and 32 mph over the next couple of hours.

Ironically the previous Wednesday evening the Club’s members were greeted with very light airs for the fifth race in the Summer Series which, shortly after the start of the race, faded away to nothing.  The competitors struggled to stem the strengthening ebb tide as they battled up towards the Eastcliff buoy and after forty-five minutes the OOD hoisted the “Race Abandoned” flag which hung limply from the yardarm as the boats drifted back to the Club.

The Ken Potts Pursuit Race has been rescheduled for Sunday 9 September at 2:00 p.m. whilst the Wednesday evening race series will continue (on a Wednesday evening) until such time as the Club has managed to catch-up.