Lively Conditions Greet Competitors For The Potterers' Pot
Lively Conditions Greet Competitors For The Potterers' Pot
It was the turn of the slow handicapped boats at Gunfleet Sailing Club last Sunday 26 July when the race was held for the Potterers’ Pot. A southerly force 4 to 5 wind and large seas greeted the nine boats that took part, and once the competitors got on the water so the conditions seemed to freshen still further. Derroll Pedder in his Qba looked as though he was going to get a flying start but capsized just seconds before the “off”. This resulted in Club Commodore Richard Walker leading the way in his Sea Ranger but it wasn’t long before the slightly faster handicapped boats overtook him. The Topazes seemed to be in their element with Mark and Charlie Venables working hard to keep Sebastien Mathewson and George Venables at bay. The reach to the Kingscliff mark took no time at all and then it was a gruelling beat out to the Seaward buoy. By this time there were a number of casualties and one or two boats retired back to the shore, whilst all the time the Club’s Rescue Boat kept a close watch on proceedings. Once out at sea it was a very exhilarating reach back to the Eastcliff buoy followed by a lively gybe. By this time it seemed fairly clear that father and son Venables had the race but it was going to be a close thing for second place, with Matt Gough in his Pico battling it out with Peter Downer in his Comet Mino, but at the end of the day it was the Pico that slipped ahead.
Results – Potterers’ Pot:
1. Topaz – Mark and Charlie Venables
2. Pico – Matthew Gough
3. Comet Mino – Peter Downer
The previous Wednesday evening, with the wind gusting to a force seven the Officer of the Day abandoned all racing for that day and the Club now has to play catch-up for the Tony Chadd Trophy, which is four races behind.