Club Looks Back At a Record Year

Club Looks Back At a Record Year

Gunfleet Sailing Club held its Annual General Meeting last Sunday 6 December when Commodore Richard Walker looked back at an outstanding year of great success.  Membership numbers had increased by 33% and the boat compound was completely full with a waiting list for spaces.  During 2009 the Club had rebuilt the veranda, bought a second safety boat and ancillary equipment as the result of a grant and totally refurbished the changing rooms, again through a successful grant application.  Improvements had been carried out to the Clubhouse and a member, who wished to remain anonymous, had purchased two brand new Topaz dinghies for the Club’s young members to use. 

On the water all the races had been held with a very good turnout each time, the highlight of which had been the Gunfleet Regatta when 37 boats took part, many from visiting Clubs, helping to raise £488 for the Clacton RNLI.  There had been both Laser and Xenon Open meetings and the Club had played host to the Solution class National Championship with competitors travelling from all over the country to take part in the two day event.  There had also been a varied programme of cruises including a trip out to the wind farm.

The Club’s social side had been well supported, culminating in a sell-out Laying-Up Supper and prize giving.

The Cadet section had gone from strength to strength and there were now 62 Cadets and Otters actively involved in the Club, bringing the best out in young people in the area.  A range of specific activities had taken place including Wednesday evening sailing, Saturday afternoon sailing, a hugely successful Cadet Day as part of the Club’s Regatta weekend, and a very full and active Cadet Week during the summer holidays.

Retiring Club Treasurer Yvonne Gough provided a detailed explanation of the accounts for the year which showed a significant increase in both the income and expenditure, identifying the investment that was being put back into the Gunfleet. 

The following officers were then appointed for 2010:

President: Tony Heath
Commodore: Richard Walker
Vice Commodore: Dave Fowell
Rear Commodore: Catherine Venables
Treasurer: Peter Downer
Sailing Secretary: Simon Clarke
Social Secretary: Susan Baker
Cadet Officer: Andy Ford
Compound Officer: Mark Venables