Lively Conditions Keep Members on their Toes

Lively Conditions Keep Members on their Toes

It was lively conditions that greeted the members of Gunfleet Sailing Club last Sunday morning 3 August when they held the race for the Club’s oldest trophy – the Tee Dee Challenge Cup. A force four gusting five south/south westerly wind and quite large seas, coupled with a grey sky made it hard to believe it was summer but this did not deter twelve boats taking part in the race. As the event counted towards class points it was in fact a race within a race.

Following a clean start the fleet beat towards St. Michael’s buoy with the flood tide under them, making it a very quick leg, especially for those that tacked out to sea in order to gain the full force of the flood tide. The reach out to the Seaward mark saw Ken Potts pull away from the other boats in his RS600 hotly pursued by John Tappenden in his Vortex. Andy Dunnett led the Lasers although Paul Stanton was hard on his heels whilst Simon Clarke took a commanding lead in the Solution. Meanwhile the Toppers were having their own private battle with sisters India and Bethany Ford changing places a number of times as they pushed their boats to the limit.

Despite the lively conditions there were only a few capsizes, and even on the runs downwind the helms managed to control their craft.

Tee Dee Challenge Cup:
1. RS600 – Ken Potts
2. Vortex – John Tappenden
3. Solution – Simon Clarke

Class points 4:
1. Andy Dunnett
2. Paul Stanton
3. Yvonne Gough

1. Simon Clarke
2. Eddie White
3. Sonny Hart

1. India Ford
2. Bethany Ford

The previous Wednesday evening the Gunfleet held its final race in the series for the Tony Chadd Trophy, and with a light easterly wind, blue skies and sunshine it made a very pleasant ending to the Club’s mid week sailing. Sixteen boats took part with John Heath having a cracking start in his Laser. Eddie White hit the Outer Distance Mark in his Solution and returned to cross the start line correctly. A number of helms misjudged the strength of the flood tide and on the fetch from the Kingscliff buoy to the Seaward mark and lost time when they realised they would have to put a tack in to successfully round it. As the race went on so the wind started to fall away but this didn’t stop some close tussles, particularly on the beat from Eastcliff buoy out to sea.

Tony Chadd Trophy – 4:
1. RS600 – Ken Potts
2. Laser – John Heath
3. Laser – John Tappenden

1. RS600 – Ken Potts
2. Laser – John Tappenden
3. Solution – Simon Clarke