Sail Training Proved a Great Success
The first of the Gunfleet Sailing Club’s sail training days took place last Sunday 26 April with ten boats taking to the water and a queue of members waiting patiently to gain some tuition. A steady easterly breeze, blue skies and unbroken sunshine brought a large number of people down to the Club and the coaches were kept extremely busy passing on guidance and tips on how to gain maximum performance from a sailing dinghy. As well as the tuition it was an opportunity for those new to the sport to find out what fun can be had from sailing, whether single handed or with one or two crew on board. Many of the younger members went out three up and swapped boats whilst out at sea, all under the watchful eye of the Club Safety Boat. By the end of the session it was very evident that much had been learnt, and a number of novices had shown the potential to be future champions in the sport.
With such a recent influx of new members, both young and old, it was of little surprise that Gunfleet’s programme of sail training is proving so very popular, and there is certainly an eager anticipation for the next session.