Quiz Night A Complete Sell-Out

Quiz Night A Complete Sell-Out

Saturday evening, 18 January, saw “House Full” signs up at the Gunfleet Sailing Club when the ever-popular Quiz Night took place.  Quizmaster Ian Power set the questions and teams furiously ferreted in the “little grey cells” to come up with the answers.  A broad spectrum of ages helped immensely as a knowledge of modern music was as important as that of biblical references.  All too soon it was the halfway stage and whilst scores were worked out the teams enjoyed savoury snacks from the Galley Crew.  Prior to launching into the second half, Ian was pleased to announce that scores were incredibly close and it really was anyone’s game.  The tension climaxed during the following five rounds but laughter rained-out amongst the puzzled frowns.  With the last question, an “if necessary” tie-breaker, answered it was all down to the final marking.  In a hushed Clubhouse the positions were read out and the winners were a team consisting of Mark, Rachel, Charlie and Harry Spence, Carol Geal and Yolande Clark, with a very impressive score; their third year of victory!
Another really great time had by all down the Gunfleet.