Gunfleet Cadets Take Honours at Clacton Sailing Club Regatta

Gunfleet Cadets Take Honours at Clacton Sailing Club Regatta

The waters off Gunfleet Sailing Club were unusually empty last Sunday  18 July when members sailed up to neighbouring Clacton Sailing Club to take part in their Regatta.  In fresh south/south westerly winds the Gunfleet dinghies competed alongside the host club’s catamarans in what turned out to be a lively but enjoyable morning race.  Gunfleet’s John Tappenden won the RNLI Pennant in his Blaze for being first mono-hull and Gunfleet Cadets Ben and Ollie Withams took the winning gun for being the first youngsters home.  This was a great achievement for the Withams boys who have not long been sailing and only recently acquired their Laser 3000 dinghy.

In the afternoon race some of the Gunfleet helms were overeager and jumped the gun at the start but first dinghy home was Andy Dunnett from Gunfleet in his Laser and once again the honours for first under 18 to complete the race went to Gunfleet’s Withams brothers.

The previous Wednesday evening the Gunfleet Sailing Club held the first race in the series for the Tony Chadd Trophy.  Competitors were greeted by strong onshore winds which, as the time got nearer to commence, got up to force five.  This deterioration in conditions resulted in the Officer of the Day changing the course to one that was far simpler and more compact and this proved a wise move as the wind continued to strengthen; gusting up to force six as the evening went on.

There were several capsizes and Michael Pedder was forced to retire in his Qba when the kicking strap pulled out.  As the race continued Tappenden in his Blaze appeared to have a good lead but unfortunately his boat hit the Seaward buoy and as he failed to undertake the required 360 degree penalty he was disqualified. 

Results: Tony Chadd Trophy – 1
1. Solution – Simon Clarke
2. RS600 – Kelvin Morton
3. Topaz – Sebastien Mathewson