Cruise to Wind Farm a Great Success

Cruise to Wind Farm a Great Success

Gunfleet Sailing Club members headed straight out to sea last Saturday 20 March when a fleet of boats went on a cruise to the Gunfleet Wind Farm.  In a pleasant south westerly wind the boats, packed to the gunwales with members, fairly romped out to the Wind Farm accompanied by one of the Club’s Rescue boats.  Once out there the members were able to witness at close hand the work being undertaken on the turbines as well as getting a real feel for the actual size of the structures.  The elements were a little crueller on the way back and the wind swung round to the north a bit more, forcing the boats to tack towards Holland haven.  A couple of times a rainsquall blew through, accompanied by strong winds, and then the wind fell away completely.  As the craft slowly made their way back to the Club so the sun broke through and all those taking part agreed it had been a memorable experience.

On Sunday the Gunfleet held one of its sail training days when young and old members had an opportunity to sharpen up their helming skills as well as just getting on the water to have a good time.