Cliff clearance
Gunfleet’s KANDU attitude was again demonstrated at the weekend when Club members came down to participate in the Extreme Gardening Event. Despite very cold and windy weather we succeeded in cutting back all the tamarisk bushes which had grown so tall they were obscuring the view into the Compound. Tendring District Council had provided us with a couple of trailers. However such was the enthusiasm and hard work of Club members that these trailers were soon filled. In fact by the end of the weekend the whole of the promenade in front of the Club had been filled with tamarisk. TDC will shred and remove this.
The pictures show the volume of bushes that was cut down and piled on the promenade alongside the two (very small) yellow trailers. The second picture shows the Club members who stayed to the bitter end on Sunday. Note the woolly hats. note the wooly hats